We have our moments and then there's Jesus. Four girls who are all recent grads of esteemed universities are tossed into the real world and face the trials, tribulations, and hilarity of trying real life. We face all battles with a smile, but even we have to admit we don't know shit.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Relationships on Life Support

No relationship is perfect nor is any person. Taking those two facts you end up with the struggle to keep two people together. Jealousy and insecurity are often accused of being more feminine traits, but I'm sure we all know this is not true. Men are just as wrapped in their emotions as women and have to add their ego to the situation as well. The one commonality from men and women though is that jealousy and insecurities will always be a major hindrance in a relationship. 

It seems that no one can just live in peace. There will always be rats lurking at the threshold and when you give into the negative emotions that jealousy and insecurity create you let them in. These are not easy things to fight. If you care for someone you don't want to be in a constant battle of trying to keep them. This is where respect for your relationship and your own self esteem comes into play. Your partner should respect your union enough to not allow outsiders come between you. If they are an egomaniac who constantly needs validation from the opposite sex they are creating a breeding ground for jealousy. Or they may be an attention whore or just oblivious. Perhaps you just aren't enough. Either way never let someone else affect how you feel about you. 

Some people are just naturally jealous and can't ever be happy in a relationship. Either they have been hurt or they just have a complex that causes them to not trust their mates. If you are this person perhaps you need to get to the root of your problems and fix them before you attempt to create another failed relationship person. You might think you don't have a problem, but if all of your relationships have failed for similar reasons guess what its you not them. If you are in a toxic relationship with someone who does not trust you get out now because it won't get any better.

Bacon is love
Rev Ash

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