We have our moments and then there's Jesus. Four girls who are all recent grads of esteemed universities are tossed into the real world and face the trials, tribulations, and hilarity of trying real life. We face all battles with a smile, but even we have to admit we don't know shit.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Excuses are tools of the incompetent

Are you mature and honest enough to admit why you are single? You can go with the I haven't found the right person, I'm working on me, blah blah blah. No just no. There is some part of you that is wack and needs fixing. Find what part of you is undesirable and fix it. Or maybe you are setting your standards too high. Self honesty is often neglected and overlooked. This is not at all a read it is just to encourage you to be brutally honest. Its not fair to you if you continuously lie to yourself and use a bunch of cliches to justify the lies you have created in your head. Sometimes you are unapproachable, it could be your personality, maybe you're broke, busted, and disgusted. Maybe you attract people who are only interested in the physical because something about you that gives off the "I'm boring as hell" vibe. Tell the truth and find a way to fix it.

Bacon is love
Rev. Ash 

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