We have our moments and then there's Jesus. Four girls who are all recent grads of esteemed universities are tossed into the real world and face the trials, tribulations, and hilarity of trying real life. We face all battles with a smile, but even we have to admit we don't know shit.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Internet Beef

Internet beef is described as a disagreement/ argument between at least two people over the Internet (Facebook, Twitter, or other social networks).

If I don’t care for you I won’t involve you in any aspect of my life, even if its accepting a friend request of following them on twitter. For some reason there are many people who don’t feel the same way. Too often am I seeing people arguing over the Internet. What’s the point? Why are you all friends? Why are you all following each other? (Especially if this is not the first time.)

Recently I witnessed a twitter fight. Someone I follow tweeted out something that seemed genuine and would benefit a group of people. While most of the responses were positive there were a couple of people who didn’t agree. Everyone is allowed an opinion but it should stay just that. A certain person, who I don’t follow because of her known arrogance and pettiness, had a problem. She not only disagreed with the idea but then went on to question the persons intentions. An small argument ensued and once it ended negative Nancy continued to complaining and subtweeting (talking about someone without mention that persons name). This same situation happens frequently on Facebook.

I wish people would realize this is pointless. Nothing is gained but a headache. Do you really need to be “friends” with and “follow” people you don’t care for just to end up in petty arguments? We are too old for this. There are much more important issues we face daily in the world to be bothered with things like arguing and bullying over the Internet. Grow and make a positive name for yourself because saying you have 1000 Facebook friends and 1250 followers isn’t what can be put on your resume or will be written in your obituary. Go find a hobby that can make you some money or better the world.

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