We have our moments and then there's Jesus. Four girls who are all recent grads of esteemed universities are tossed into the real world and face the trials, tribulations, and hilarity of trying real life. We face all battles with a smile, but even we have to admit we don't know shit.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

All I want for Christmas is him?!

Here comes the obligatory in-my-feelings-girl-come-rescue-me post.

So its the holiday season and you are alone. Read: So its the holiday season and I am alone. 
Am I sad about this? No not really. Want to know why? I chose to be. 

Many menses have come a calling, but I am not really answering. Call it high standards, or indecisiveness. I call it the waiting game. I am sick of hearing friends stories of settling and their complaints about the guy they settled for, just so they could have a warm body next to them. Girl get a blanket. However, if my last situationship taught me anything, it is wait for something that feels right to you.

Part of the problem in my last situation, was me going along with something that didn't feel all the way right. He was a great guy don't get me wrong. He was flawed, as every man is, and eventually let his flaws do the proving his words couldn't that we just weren't ready/meant for each other. I allowed others to hype me up. Read: Mom and Friends (There is nothing worse than your mother approving of a guy you are on the fence about.) We had been friends for the longest, and were very hesitant about taking things to a new level. 

Here I am thinking that new level was going to be great for me and him. However, he thought it was a great level for me, him, her, and her. No. Nope. Not me. Not today.

Needless to say things went all the way left with that situation. Ending in several shouting matches and a single tear shed. I've never cried over a guy before. Crawled up in the fetal position and put on some Ne-Yo? Yes. Crying? Never. I just have never seen a man as irreplaceable  However, this guy I didn't think I would ever move past that betrayal.  Since then I've forgiven him, and like to think of the situation as a history class, long and drawn out, but never forgetting the lesson learned.

I say all of that to say, that I learned a lot about waiting for what is truly meant for you regardless of what anyone else thinks. That situation was an eye opener for me, that I will truly be ready to change that status, when it feels right to me, beyond anyone else's opinions or standards. So yes, its safe to assume that all I want for Christmas is 'him'. However, as in life, why look for 'him' in the past, when I can look forward to the 'him' of the future.

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