We have our moments and then there's Jesus. Four girls who are all recent grads of esteemed universities are tossed into the real world and face the trials, tribulations, and hilarity of trying real life. We face all battles with a smile, but even we have to admit we don't know shit.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Did I do that?

Have you ever been doing something typical in your daily routine and notice you do something that isn't quite "typical"? For example I write a lot, whether for the blog or just to write out my thoughts. I noticed the other day that when I spell specific words I do it to a song it may have been in. For instance, "bananas"...I can not spell that word without doing it to the the beat of Gwen Stefani's songs Hollaback Girl. Then there's "independent", in my head it is required that I spell it out the same way Webbie does in Indepedent. I have no idea how long this has been going on but I can assume its around the same time the songs came out. 

Just to refresh your memory...

Who knows what other bad habits I've picked up but I hope when it comes time for me to have children I will be over this. Do you have any bad habits that took you a while to even notice? Let us know. 

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