FaceBook and I are not doing so well. This can't be an "only me" problem so I thought I would share. Senior year of high school is when I first joined the social network. It was new and everyone was excited about it. Tagged was played out and MySpace was getting weird. This is how the story went...
So here I am today, scrolling through my newsfeed unamused and wondering how I can fix this. My solution? Make a new page. Duh! I did and realized how boring my page was. All my pictures weren't there, all my friends were not added yet because I could not remember everyone, and I was back at square one, unsatisfied. So in an attempt to fix my problem yet again, I decided to delete friends from my old page. After about 10 minutes maybe 20 people were unfriended. Did you know that every time you unfriend a person the page has to refresh? Yeah it's the most agonized task ever. So I gave up on that and ended up here...writing this post. I know someone is reading this and saying just get off FaceBook all together. To that I say "No *insert grumpy cat face here*". I am on FaceBook for the entertaining group chats (the stickers are amazing on FB Messenger) with my favorite people and to be able to go down memory lane when I'm feeling nostalgic. I guess this summer will have be...
This relationship will be repaired and I will be happy. I don't want to be friends with couples, entertainers, party promoters, young bucks, catfishers, graduates of Hustle University, or game and interest group addicts. Im taking back my newsfeed and I encourage you to do the same. You don't have to suffer. It will get better.
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