We have our moments and then there's Jesus. Four girls who are all recent grads of esteemed universities are tossed into the real world and face the trials, tribulations, and hilarity of trying real life. We face all battles with a smile, but even we have to admit we don't know shit.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Years Resolutions

Everyone makes them, most forget them. Do you have one? Here's ours....

My resolution is simple. In 2013, I'm going to be kinder to myself. 2012 was devoted a bit too much to other people's feelings, and suppressing and downplaying my own. This year is going to be different. There will be no more putting others before myself. Somewhere along the way, I stopped listening to myself, downplaying that little voice (that's usually always correct) and allowing other people's opinions (even those that I asked for) to cloud what my intuition knew better than. I was great a friend in 2012 to everyone else, but pretty lousy to myself. So in 2013, I'm reuniting and making amends with myself.

I never make resolutions for the new year. I don't believe in waiting to find a way to better myself. Anything that I resolve to do I start at the moment I come up with it. I find that it makes my life easier if I make changes as I see needed. *kanye shrug* the biggest change I see now is moving out of Chicago. 

I've decided to avoid making a resolution for my life because I'm tired of them. Last year I said I was going to be honest with guys and where they stand with me. I did that but it didn't really benefit me. It just gave them the truth oppose to me stringing them along. This year my resolution is for the PGSD blog. I want us to build a relationship with our other 20 somethings out there. Everyone has a story and I want to hear them so we can help each other move through these hard and sometimes comical moments.

I don't like making resolutions. I never understood why people waited until the top of the year to decide to make a change in their lives, and try to see it through. However, I do want to share what I am actively working on to improve my life. I want to be happier. I've learned a lot about myself in 2012. Some good things and some bad things, irregardless of the 'how', I am grateful for the lessons.  I want 2013 to be the implementation stage of what I learned from those lessons in 2012. I am going to follow my faith, and go wherever it leads me. I've learned I'm happiest when I listen to that inside voice, and don't try to do it all on my own. I hope to share that journey with all of you this year. I wish you many blessings and much happiness in the new year!

Share your resolution in the comments or email us at postgradsd@gmail.com

Happy New Year!

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