We have our moments and then there's Jesus. Four girls who are all recent grads of esteemed universities are tossed into the real world and face the trials, tribulations, and hilarity of trying real life. We face all battles with a smile, but even we have to admit we don't know shit.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Wake Me When It's Over

I’m not sure what it is about my life that makes it TV worthy but what ever it is makes me reevaluate things every time I realize what has happened. If you ask someone who doesn’t hang out with me on a regular basis or outside of school or work they may say that I’m quiet, nice, shy, etc. If you ask my circle about my characteristics you will get a large range of things that aren’t exactly on the lines of quiet, nice, or shy.

If you have been reading this blog since it began you may have realized the I always have a personal story to tell. These stories are all very current and only half of what I really deal with. Every week there is something new. I could be sitting at home doing absolutely nothing for several day and something will still happen. Most reality TV is scripted meaning there are writers that create big situations out of small issues. I don’t need writers to create situations in my life the madness just finds me. That is my issue. I am bored often when nothing is going on but I’m realizing I rather be bored than deal with the crazy situations that I end up in.

The funny thing about my situations is that they always start with a guy, whether that guy be a friend or something more, despite the fact that I have never been in a committed relationship longer than a...month, I think…maybe. I am always out and about, which allows me to meet many guys due to the fact that I’m such a friendly person…or since guys thinks its fun to bother me.

With everything that is going on I cant help but want out. The older I get, the more I want to chill. I'm out of college and yet I get caught up in these situations that seem so childish and time consuming. I'm not sure if the problem is all me or the fact that guys mature slower than women. I will blame them ;) I look at my other friends and they have situations that aren't as crazy but still television worthy. 

Is it just us or do you you go through the same things?

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