4. Don't be rude to my other friends: I have friends across many nationalities, races, and cultures. Your personal beliefs are just that, but don't let your feelings about who I chose to spend time with deter our friendship.
3. Be a tactful friend: Keep it cute in the moment, and talk to me about it afterwards. Enough said.
2. Don't be that guy: This one can encompass a great many of things. It mostly falls into my life when people try to do the most. I love my friends and my true ones know me like an open book. However, don't be that friend to constantly bring up the obvious. True friends help you will your messes, fraudulent ones love to talk about it.
1. Make me remember you, like you remember me: Find the laughter in everything! As my PGSD ladies can attest to, we find ourselves in the middle of some pretty off the wall stuff Sunday-Saturday. Learn to laugh at it all! Find your fun in the moment. If you are with great friends, any situation can be a great memory.
So as I
come down from the mountain top the burning bush hath given me the top 5 Commandments for
what to do as a friend.
5. Thou
shalt not always be the bearer of bad news. I will always be a a shoulder to
cry on, but please do not constantly text me your emotional instabilities. I do
care but I cannot constantly hear how horrible your life is. Have a Sun Drop
you wretched soul.
4. Thou shall not be a biter. The worst thing
you can do is swagger jack your friend. They like you for who you are so you don’t
need to try to be them. Have your own style, sayings, and attitude and we will
be just fine.
3. Thou
shall be honest. Even if it’s hurt as a friend you need to be unapologetic in your honesty. Apart of your duties as a friend is to keep your friend in reality.
2. Thou
shalt respect each other’s differences. I eat pork, but my friends don’t. I
make sure that I always offer a non pork option. I have different religious
beliefs and I respect my friend’s beliefs. If you love them you will respect
their lifestyle regardless of how you feel about it. If it was that big of a
deal you wouldn't be friends.
Thou shalt always hold their hair while they puke in the alley after a fun
night and help them hide the body if it comes to that
I don’t have many friends. I know people far and wide. But there are
very, very few who I call friends. Friends are just like family for me. If I go
to the moon and back for my family, you can be sure that I’ll do the same for
my friends. With that said, not everybody is worth a trip around space, and if
you’re a friend of mine, it’s because you hold true to the following five
commandments, coveted by yours truly:
Five. Thou Shall Know How to Be Heard and Hush Up.
I am not a pushover, and I don’t have pushover friends. I firmly
believe that friends are mirrors of who you are and what you want to be. Therefore,
if you have friends who can’t say it like they mean it (and shout it out), it’s
because that’s who you are. And if you have a problem with them being this way,
you should probably stop calling them your friends and get new ones. My friends
say what they have to say, and they’re always honest with me, even if I don’t
want to hear it. They hear me out, take who I am into consideration, and then
they lay down some constructive criticism. If they think I’m right, they say
so. If I’m wrong, they say so, make fun of me, and then we bake cupcakes or
watch ratchet Youtube videos while drinking wine and coming up with a plan to
fix the situation.
Four. Thou Shall Not Take Yourself So Seriously That You Don’t Know the
Definition of Fun.
I have gotten into my share of precarious situations with my friends. From
grabbing on men’s behinds to turning an alley into a bathroom to hood clubs to
men offering us coke and kissing our foreheads while we try to enjoy tacos, my
friends and I have found ourselves in the most absurd situations. But we always
have a good time. We know we’re great, but our college degrees aren’t shoved so
far up our arses (I heard this Scottish man say that, and I’ve been dying for a
place to use it) that we can’t have a good time. Nobody can ever call my
friends snobs, even if we do act a little prissy sometimes. Friends shouldn’t
take themselves seriously anyway. Putting on airs is what you do for people you
don’t know personally. If you can’t be yourself with your friends, then you
should go sit in a corner and start figuring out who you are.
Three. Thou Shall Take Your Friend As She Is.
“Come as you are” is not a slogan meant only for church. With my
friends, I can be exactly who I am. They don’t care that I’m sensitive, or that
I can be a little overly critical, long-winded, or whatever else. They have
never asked me to change. They’ve never told me they have a problem with any
facet of who I am. The people who have asked me to change have long ago exited
stage left. If somebody criticizes you and makes you feel small for any element
that comprises your creation, you need not worthy about them or their opinion;
rest assured, they’re not your friend.
Two. Thou Shall Support Your Friend.
We all have dreams. Some are more rational than others. As a friend, it
is essential that you make your support known. It could be as simple as saying,
“I’ve got you.” Perhaps one of the most damaging things to a friendship is
feeling like you’re not supported, like your friend doesn’t have your back or
best interest at heart. Once a person feels like they’re being left hanging by
the wayside with no cheerleaders or hands to hold, there’s no trust. And once
the trust is gone, what’s the use? My friends have my back. I trust that
wholeheartedly, and nobody could change that.
One. Thou Shall Keep What’s Done in the Dark in the Dark.
Okay, so the way that that commandment sounds is a little weird. But I’ll
explain. I cannot stand people who share everything that I tell them with other
people. It is one of my biggest pet peeves (that, and people who say they’re
going to do something, but then don’t follow through). If I tell you something,
it’s because I want YOU to know. If I wanted those other non-factors to know,
my mouth is big enough to run and tell them on my own. Likewise, if I do
something questionable and cheeky while I’m out with my friends, I expect that
my friends will keep it between us and not run and tell the first person who’ll
listen. If you’re a good friend, you’ll want to make sure that your friends are
presented in the best light possible. So don’t make your friend look bad by
reporting what she told you or did with you that one night to non-factors. It not
only makes her look bad, but it also makes you look like a douchebag.
I love my friends but I have very few because I take
friendships seriously. If I let you into my life its kind of a big deal. I definitely
look for specific qualities in a person as well as observe whether or not they
are respectful of the friendship commandments. Here are a few of my most important rules….
5. Remember it’s not always about you. If you attend a
friend’s event, remember it’s their event. Don’t try to switch focus to
yourself. Don’t only call your friend to talk about your life and problems. Not
even your mother wants to listen to you go on and on and never see how her life
is going.
4. Boyfriends/girlfriends are not up for trading. Once your
friend is done dating someone, doesn’t mean you get next dibs. All that does is
bring up old feeling, even if the relationship ended amicably. There are too
many other options in the world to be eyeing your friend’s leftovers. Same applies to friendships with the ex. If you became friends with the bf/gf after your friend got into that relationship then when they end you all end.
3. Be respectful and open. Everyone has an opinion! Play
nice. Don’t shoot down your friend’s choice in dates, clothes, activities, etc
all the time. There is always a bright side. Their favorite jacket may not be
your favorite but that doesn’t mean its hideous, it just means you all have
different taste. The best part of a friendship is bonding with people who
aren’t you. I love my friends because we are all diverse. (But if you know for a fact they are the only ones who would be caught in it then its time for an interfriendtion.)
2. Have fun. Boring friends aren’t real friends meaning if
you all can’t click and smile or laugh with one another what’s the point? I
have friends because they distract me from the harsh world. We have fun together
and we also drunk cry together. Friendships are created for the purpose of
benefiting each other. Friendships are supposed to be for moving through life
knowing there is a group of people there to pick you up when you fall or warn
you if there’s a fire behind the fog. You are expected to do the same for them as
1. Put down the knife. If you all are truly friends you wont
stab each other in the back in order to gain something else. Friendships are
dependent on trust and how can you trust someone who is aiming a knife at your
back. Real friends will make eye contact with you while they attempt to stab
you. Ok maybe that’s not friendship but you get the point. Friends help not