We have our moments and then there's Jesus. Four girls who are all recent grads of esteemed universities are tossed into the real world and face the trials, tribulations, and hilarity of trying real life. We face all battles with a smile, but even we have to admit we don't know shit.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Standing in your season

According to Merriam-Webster a season is a time characterized by a particular circumstance or feature. We are familiar with the seasons of weather, where nature either blooms or frosts, it is easy to determine those, and something we were all taught from childhood. However, can you define the seasons of your life?

People, places and things come into your life for a season. Very few remain permanent, however, what is important is that you differentiate a season from a lifetime.

You stand in seasons, as they help you define your life.

What exactly do I mean ‘standing in seasons’? Allow me to explain. Every season has to be weathered. Be it a good or bad job, good or bad relationship, or living situation. A season is that time period where you are exactly where you should be, to help you grow into what you will be.

It isn’t always easy to be where you are. It is quite easy to be antsy about life or try to advance before your time. Why? Because you think you belong there. You think you deserve something, or someone. It is often confused with ambition. However, throughout your season you start to notice how things fall together.

In the spring, the rain comes and brings the bloom. In autumn the trees lose their leaves and the ground hardens. Life’s seasons are no different. There will be times where things are just extraordinarily good. There will also be times where things are horribly wrong. Its how you weather or ‘stand’ in your season that counts. Just like nature’s seasons, we adapt to wearing coats or flip flops, same with life’s seasons. You will start to realize what needs to be done to get the promotion or job you want that will take you from that entry-level position. You will start to see people’s true colors, and be able to weed out the good from the bad.

Life’s seasons are temporary. They change all the time, however, when the change comes, the way you stood in your last season will determine your success in the next. So my encouragement today is no matter where you are in this walk of life, remember that everything happens for a reason and you are being prepared for the next level. So stand happily in that season, and wait for the next.

“The best is yet to come”- Somebody

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