"Make sure everyone in your "boat" is rowing and not drilling holes when you're not looking"
The best thing you can have on your side is a strong team. Be it family, friends, business partners, who you surround yourself with is who you are and have an impact on your success. One of the keys to success is having a support system that has you best interest at heart.
Kim Kardashian is the perfect example of this. She gave the driest, laziest, most handsy blowjob in the history of sex. With her mothers business acumen and proactive sometimes overly aggressive nature, she was able to turn that into an opportunity for not only Kim, but the whole family. She said hey america let me show you what kind of household raises a girl like this. This is how we ended up with Keeping up with the Kardashians. Now you cant turn on the tv, pick up a magazine, or go on the internet without seeing at least one member of the Kardashian clan or someone who is affiliated with them. I don't even want to get started on this Kimye situation, but like I said its all a business. Everyone in the family has their own show in addition to several products and endorsements. The same with the Braxtons. You knew Toni, but gave a resounding "chile who?" to the other 100 sisters. They seized an opportunity and now we have Tamar.....
By no means am I saying release a sextape. I feel that you need to keep a group around you who can support you and your dreams. Also use your talents to develop your brand. You are your own company. Be it singing, making jewelery, cracking watermelons with your thighs you can create a career from your passion. You're going to be working for the rest of your life so it might as well be doing something you enjoy. I can honestly say that the other three writers are intelligent, educated women with opinions worthy of being heard. This is a brand so of course we choose to represent ourselves in a certain way. We aren't famous (yet) so all we have right now is our name. Make sure that the names associated with yours have a reputation that you want associated with yours.
This is where your team comes in. Dont give away your dreams to everyone because not everyone is really here for you. They will be quick to pat you on the back, but can you name a time when they ever really proved that they believed in you? You are going to need help. Here we are with these expensive degrees we sweat blood and tears for so lets put them to use. I can name off top right now an accountant, PR, marketing, graphic designer for any business venture I could come up with. What is having bum ass friends bringing to your life? NOT A GOTDAMN THING! Show me who your friends are and I will show you who you are. Some people don't believe this, but if you are willing to be around bullshit it will eventually sink in and drag you down with it.
Upgrade your team and utilize your resources
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