I have a true fear of failure, and it has taken me seeing my lowest of lows to even realize how, even at my minor success, that is even possible. I realize I am doing well where I am because I am comfortable. My comfort zone affords me many luxuries and much laziness. It is an uninspired place, but also one where I thrive. I only do what I am good at, and have found I can make a million excuses for NOT stepping out of that zone. Who wants to leave someplace warm and cozy for the the dark reality of the unknown. (Which is my reasoning for why it takes pregnant women so long to have a baby. Like seriously 9 months? That is FOREVER, but I digress)
My fear of failure isn't alone in this though. Her bff is my fear of rejection, and let me tell you, both of them are some b*tches. I say that in the most sincere way imaginable. That is because they are such a hinderance. When you are afraid of rejection or failing in an aspect of life, you only get the opportunities where it is easiest for you to succeed. Sounds weird right? You would want something to be easy to succeed at right? Not me.
My most rewarding experiences come from when I learn a lesson. Nine times out of ten that lesson is about me. I find I am my best self outside of that comfort zone. When I put everything on the line for something I want or desire, it is so much better than waiting on something familiar.With November coming up, my personal goal is to toss out those fears and start the month uninhibited, and completely open to new possibilites.Its what Oprah would do.
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